My first blog post! I have wanted to start a blog for quite awhile, but I kept waiting for my life to become more exciting so that I would actually have fun stuff to write about. But after a couple of years of waiting, I'm still not married and I still don't have any kids. I don't have my dream house that I get to decorate however I want. I am not working at my dream job and I haven't even graduated from college yet... But then I got thinking, why would I not start a blog now? Just because I haven't met those mile stones in my life yet, doesn't mean that I don't have things worth writing about.
I am 22 years old and have only just started to become comfortable with who I am and realizing who I would like to be. I guess I was a little bit of a late bloomer in that department... I wasn't one of the lucky ones who knew exactly what direction they wanted to head in right out of high school. I was the one in a really serious relationship and thought I would just get married right out of high school and everything would work out from there. So basically I was already so wrapped up in the thought of being someones wife (at 18 years old...shesh!), that I never took the time to figure out who I was or what I really wanted. So when the relationship didn't work out, I was super bummed and lost for quite awhile. But not just because I was sad that the relationship didn't work; it was because I didn't know who to be without it. It was almost as if I was scared to figure out who I was by myself. I was terrified to become an independent person because I didn't think I would be good enough on my own. But over the past couple of years, I grew and learned a lot about myself. What also came as quite a surprise, is that I was actually starting to love who I was!
So I'm breaking the Utah blogger rule and am starting my blog pre-love, marriage or baby in the baby carriage. *gasp!* But I just figure, what better time to start a blog and share my life with people, then when I am wanting to make some positive life changes?!
So in light of my new life ambitions, I have made a couple of new mid-year resolutions. One is to become an opportunist. I have always been a big planner and the person who would talk a big game about all of the things that I want to do in my life or change about myself. But my follow through has been...well pretty much none existent. However, I have come to a place in my life where I need to either start moving in the direction that I want, or risk coasting along in my current boring life for a couple more years *gag*. Since I'm not a coasting kinda gal and much more of a 0 to 60 in 3.5 kinda lady (my driving record confirms this), I am going to start embracing and creating more opportunity in my life; for example, this blog! So get ready for many more posts to come with all the new things that are happening, and I hope you enjoy following along on my journey to become, simply Selena! <3
^^^ A work in progress ^^^
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