Friday, February 28, 2014

Being Better Prepaired

One of my biggest faults (of many) is procrastination. It is something that I have struggled with my whole life and am constantly trying to talk myself out of doing. I will wait for an "ideal" moment to start doing something or make excuses for myself as to why I won't being doing something on a particular day. "I'll start tomorrow" or "I will start on Monday since it will be the beginning of a new week" are regular justifications that go through my mind. Another big one that I am guilty of is, "when ______ happens, then I can start doing _______." Please don't tell me that I am the only one that does this.....

Well I have had some situations that presented themselves to me in the last couple of weeks that I really wish that I would have been better prepared for. I kept having that quote I see on Pinterest go through my mind, "Do something today that your future self will thank you for" and wanting to just kick myself! I definitely am not thanking my past self as of now! There are few things more frustrating than when you are doing something and knowing that you could have done a better job or been better prepared, especially when it is something you have wanted the opportunity to do for a long time.

Shouldn't our whole life purpose be trying to become the best version of ourselves? I mean, why would we want any less, right? Then why is it so hard to push ourselves sometimes? Why do some of us lack constant motivation? Well, I've had to learn the hard way (unfortunately more than once) that procrastination is no longer something that I can give in to. But it's not just the procrastination that needs to stop, comparing myself to others needs to come to an end as well....because I am pretty sure that the comparing feeds the procrastination habit.

Being afraid that you'll never measure up or fearing that you won't be as good as someone else definitely makes one more hesitant to pursue their ultimate goals... but in the end, all YOU will have is regret. So lets all do ourselves a favor and stop being afraid, stop comparing our lives to others and actually "Do something today that your future self will thank you for!"

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